

The Brave One (2007)

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David Kirmani,a medical professional, lives in an apartment with his sweetheart, Erica Bain, a radio host, and his dog. They usually take the dog out for a stroll in nearby Central Park and let him run and fetch. One day while at the park they let the dog run without a leash, and when he does not return or respond to their calls, they frantically search for him. They eventually find him being held by three men who want a reward. When David refuses, they start to molest Erica and David intervenes. Two of the men assault the couple, while the third uses a camcorder to film this incident. Erica is knocked unconscious, and regains her senses several days later in a hospital. She is told the shocking news that David was killed and the dog is missing. A traumatized Erica returns home to try and regain her life. She also visits the police station but does not get much help. Fearful of a repeat of this type of incident...
Jodie Foster as Erica Bain
Terrence Howard as Detective Mercer
Nicky Katt as Detective Vitale
Naveen Andrews as David Kirmani
Mary Steenburgen as Carol
Ene Oloja as Josai
Luis Da Silva Jr. as Chief Inspector Lee
Blaze Foster as Cash
John Magaro as Ethan
Victor Colicchio as Cutler
Jermel Howard as Thug on Subway
Full cast

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No film is going to satisfy everyone but I'm a Jodie fan and I like how she brings different, deeper elements to her characters. If you expect your action films to be totally realistic - don't go! They have to condense the recovery and reaction to a BRUTAL attack into less than 2 hours so just take it in and go with it. The scene with her would-be mother-in-law broke my heart. I could feel the pain of the attack, the fear at trying to venture out later and the internal turmoil at her discovering the dark sides of who she became. If this helps anyone... I avoid movies with graphic violence and I was ok with this movie. I also can't see any movie where the dog gets hurt - you'll be fine too! Overall, I could see this movie again because I connected with it. I connected with her, with her interaction with the police, with the detective and more. I did not connect with the revenge elements as much as what was happening within her character. If that's you too - then GO!


This movie was wonderful! This is the best acting I've seen out of Jodie Foster to date. She made you feel what it was like to lose someone you love and then lose yourself. Terrence Howard's did a great job, also. I was just waiting for his character to disappoint me, but it didn't. Even with all of the depressing things that happened during the film, you walk out feeling hopeful. I didn't hear complaint as we were exiting the theater. As for the fool who rated it without seeing it - grow up and stop wasting other people's time! I really pay attention to the FAN reviews, whereas I don't put much stock in critics reviews - those guys are just way too full of themselves. I just want to be entertained for my seven bucks, you know what I mean? This movie really did it for me.


Jodie plays the same tough role as always BUT iIt kept me guessing and the ending was a surprise.


This film will touch anyone who feels they will never be the same person they were before tragedy, death, or injustice have touched their lives. I loved hearing her short narritives on life in New York and how you don't see a lot of things that were there all the time... until something impacts your life in a way that changes your whole perspective. One of Foster's best work to date. You don't have to agree with the character to enjoy the film. Grief and PTSD bring out a different side of people and I think if you take the time to look into some of the deepr messages, there is a lot of value. Ericka Bain starts as a good person who acts out what a lot of people wish they could do to some really "bad" people out there.


(Based on seeing an advance preview of the film:) Thankfully, this film did not have the difficult quirkiness of Neil Jordan's 2005 film 'Breakfast On Pluto'. Jodie Foster gives a very strong, stoic performance as a Victim gone mad (who, rather than 'taking' it anymore, prefers to 'DISH it out' to various urban misfits who attack and harm other quasi-Innocents). Terrence Howard plays a Police defective who empathizes with her initially, confides in her, and then becomes an unwitting at-least semi-Accomplice to what turns out to be her hidden Revenge-seeking activities. A more apt title might have been 'The ANGRY One'. Overall, I found it to be a WELL-DONE thriller (that got the audience cheering at her exploits at numerous occasions-- tho one must wonder in retrospect how 'healthy' that reaction might be society-wise). The stars (and Nicky Katt as Howard's assistant Detective Vitale) give tough, believable performances in a tough, bloody, well-constructed Paean to Retribution.

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