

Meet Dave (2008)

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A spaceship shaped like a human lands face first on Liberty Island. Its crew (of tiny, intelligent, and unemotional beings) is looking for an orb sent from its planet to extract the oceans' salt, which will ruin Earth. The orb is in the possession of Josh, the fifth-grade son of a single mom whose car strikes the ambulatory alien spaceship and cripples its power supply. The crew has 48 hours to recover the orb, throw it in the Atlantic, and leave Earth. Over the course of two days, the ship's crew experiences chaos and emotion in New York. Do Earth's giants - Josh and his mom - have anything to teach these brainy aliens? Meanwhile, mutiny is afoot and the cops are closing in.
Eddie Murphy as Dave Ming Cheng
Elizabeth Banks as Gina Morrison
Gabrielle Union as No. 3 - Cultural Officer
Scott Caan as Officer Dooley
Ed Helms as No. 2 - 2nd In Command
Kevin Hart as No. 17
Mike O'Malley as Officer Knox
Pat Kilbane as No. 4 - Security Officer
Judah Friedlander as Engineer
Marc Blucas as Mark Rhodes
Jim Turner as Doctor
Austyn Myers as Josh Morrison
Adam Tomei as No. 35
Brian Huskey as Lieutenant Right Arm
Shawn Christian as Lieutenant Left Arm
Full cast

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Vegas Guy

To all you bozos that rate a movie you haven't seen makes no sense?? How are people that just look at how many Must Gos, Gos, so-so, etc and see just as many bad reviews from people that didn't see it compared to the Gos and Must Gos from the people that did see it. I'm tired of reading all these reviews from people that say it looks good or bad and then they rate it based on the previews. You didn't see it so don't write anything. Just see the damn movie and then rate it or don't see it if you hate it already and don't write something bad because you think it looks dumb or you don't like the actor(s). You are wasting our time. This movie is great. I didn't think I would like it, but I like Eddie Murphy so I gave it a shot. I could actually take my children because it is a very kid friendly movie. Go see it.


Okay, all I've got to say is "I'm Dave Ming Chang!" All right, not really, but once you see the movie, you'll understand ;) I went in with rather low expectations of the movie. I'd purposely tried to NOT see any trailers or learn anything about the movie. I was wrong. The movie was a riot. It provided for many Many MANY FUNNY moments that will keep you laughing from the start of the movie until the last of the credits have rolled past. Yes, you MUST stay for the entire roll of credits; you've not seen the entire movie unless you do. Trust me on this one, you will miss some very funny things that are shown during the credits as well. GRADE: a good solid A


Expectations low - whose wouldn't be after Norbert? - my wife and I decided to see Meet Dave mostly because the show time was most convenient after our dinner at PF Changs. Dave emerged as a great movie for early teens, tweens, and kids older than eight. I have to admit that I enjoyed the movie and wasn't disappointed that I'd spent our theatre money on it. The storyline is well done and the jokes are entertaining. There is some social messaging about the usual judgments and prejudices people have - but its light and very well woven into the storyline. Eddie Murphy plays his part well, the rest of the cast is sound, and there are all sorts of buried jokes in the film for adults too. If you're on a night out with your favorite hottie, I'd recommend it if you plan to sit in the back and make out. Otherwise, it?s a must rent or see it at the dollar theatre. However, if your kids are driving you up the walls while they're out of school on summer break, send them! They?ll enjoy it.


I always like to go against the grain when these overpriced critics dub a movie a flop or a gem. This is a good movie for those who like funny light hearted ones, especially kids. In fact, the theater was packed and I had to sit at the very front. There were moments that had me trying to stop laughing, and I am sure that taking the kids to see this film will have them in the same position I was in several hours ago.


I rate this movie high. Great movie for family. My children; 3 and 11, and I were entertained and we laughed a lot. Did not here cursing and there was no nudity. I am not a puritan but it is difficult to take children to the movies now a days without exposing them to some sort of violence, sex, or cursing. I will buy it when it comes out on DVD!

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