Privacy Policy
If you use our site it is mean that you are agree with our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. But if you are disagree then you better don`t enter our site. Our Administration keeps the right to change procedure of registration or the way of giving the services.
IP Address
We need information about your IP addresses for providing best services and for controlling the legality of payments. The Administration promises not to promulgate data about IP addresses except cases when the federal law requires it.
Cookies are used for storing identification information after authorization on the Website. They are speeding up the site`s work. Cookies don`t store personal information such as login, password and so on but it is need for access to different parts of Site where authorization is required.
Personal Information
We are collecting such personal information as e-mail address, downloads, etc. every time you enter our Site. It is secret information and is not promulgated.
Financial Information
When User inserts any financial information such as credit cards details it is transferred securely and is not available even to the Administration.