

The Violent Kind (2008)

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Iraqi Veteran returns to remote cabin up in the Woods. All of a sudden people begin disappearing, then dead bodies begin appearing. Many twists and turns in the plot before discovering who is behind the killings. A movie about the impact of war on family and friends, and the psychological problems that come from battle and the terror that comes to their isolated world.
Kirk Harris as Terry Malloy
John Savage as George Malloy
Irina Björklund as Jesika Malloy
Sandra Vidal as Martina
Hamish Linklater as Frank
Jack Rubio as Todd
Ron Gilbert as Ralph
Tony Longo as Chuck
Brooke Bastinelli as Chuck
Aaron Roos as Derick
Marlon Hoffman as Ken
Julian Lee as Sakai (as Julien Lee)
Maggie Wagner as Lilah
Aidan Harris Kuykendall as Young Terry
Janet Chiarabaglio as News Reporter
Johnny Cole as News Reporter
Full cast

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I saw the movie last night, in a free screening at my college. I thought the movie was really good, it scared the cr*p out of me though. The whole theater was screaming and jumping, it was awsome. I am a believer of UFOs and Aliens, and the person who attended the movie with me is not, and we both really enjoyed the movie. I would totally suggest seeing this movie, but definatly leave your children at home.


I went to see the screening last night at the Downtown Plaza and I have say I give this movie an A+ for the realistic terror. This is the kind of movie I'm into because I believe there are unknowns out there in this universe. Through the whole movie my eye was glue to the screen, so was the audiences. And you have to pay attention and collect the clues together to understand the movie. This movie is for people who believe in UFO and those who keep an open-mind for things out there. I know its true and real but decide for yourself. Its intense and disturbing. I think at one seen all the audience jump out of their seat. FYI: this movie isn't for you if you don't believe in UFO because some kids in the theater were complaining. And til today, I am still freak out & thinking about the movie. For those that are consider watching this movie; I say just GO! Oh, for the kids that were complaining behind me; and talking so much, I hope they get abducted haha j/k!


So I just got in after seeing The Fourth Kind. I went to see the movie paranormal activity and snuck into The Fourth Kind after..... Don't waste your time with the movie paranormal activity, if you want to see REAL paranormal activity go see the fourth kind, man i hope i dont get abducted for writing this review haha. I mean if that footage they have is real than man I am a bit scared that we are not alone in our huge universe. Ya the movie trys to sway you to believe because they connect all the right dots, but man go see it and decide for yourself. I wouldn't call this a normal movie you see for entertainment it is kinda half documentary and half acting, but the so called real footage you see is insane. it isn't a typical scary movie in fact it is not really scary it is more disturbing in an intriguing way. Bottom line go see the movie and why hasn't this already been a huge youtube conspiracy????


Regardless of belief of the existence of any extraterrestrial life, the varied forms of contact, or the varied portrayals of events in films, this movie slams home the emotional repercussions that could potentially stem from abductions by life forms from beyond Earth. I went to the midnight showing and left absolutely shaken, butterflies in my stomach and thoroughly entertained. Milla Jovovich was outstanding as Dr. Abigail Tyler, as was her supporting cast. As a "documentary", the storyline leaves one questioning their belief in the extraterrestrial and their contact with us. As a thriller, the movie has many points where you want to jump straight out of your seat & head for the doors. I loved "The Fourth Kind", it scared the pants off of me. I just might go see it again. As long as one goes with either an open mind, or without prejudgmental expectations, prepare yourself to be blown away.


I saw the screening of this movie last night. I am not a fan of movies about aliens or UFO's, so I was almost sure I wasn't going to like this film. Boy was I wrong! This movie actually startled me off of my seat a few times and made me want to scream in terror! I have seen dozens upon dozens of horror movies always looking for a scare, but walk away from them unphased. I very rarely get scared by a movie, and this is the first time that a movie has made me jump and want to scream. This movie is scarier than any horror movie I have ever seen! This is the best scary movie I have seen since The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Jessica Biel. This film was brilliantly thought out and is unlike any movie out there. The way the cameras roll quickly over the outdoor terrain and the zoom they get on the actor's faces is awesome! Milla Jovovich is extraordinary in this film!! The archive footage and audio of the actual case studies plays on the unkown. You have to see this movie for yourself!!

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