

The Invention of Lying (2009)

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It's a world where everyone tells the truth - and just about anything they're thinking. Mark Bellison is a screenwriter, about to be fired. He's short and chunky with a flat nose - a genetic pool that means he won't get to first base with Anna, the woman he loves. At a bank, on the spur of the moment he blurts out a fib, with eye-popping results. Then, when his mother's on her deathbed, frightened of the eternal void awaiting her, Mark invents fiction. The hospital staff overhear his description of Heaven, believe every word, and tell others. Soon Mark is a prophet, his first inventive screenplay makes him rich, and he's basically a good guy. But will that be enough for Anna?
John Hodgman as Wedding Overseer
Nathan Corddry as News Reporter (as Nate Corddry)
Jonah Hill as Frank
Jennifer Garner as Anna McDoogles
Ruben Santiago-Hudson as LandLord
Fionnula Flanagan as Martha Bellison
Louis C.K. as Greg
Jeffrey Tambor as Anthony
Tina Fey as Shelley
Ricky Gervais as Mark Bellison
Jimmi Simpson as Bob
Martin Starr as Waiter #1
Rob Lowe as Brad Kessler
Stephanie March as Blonde
Donna Sorbello as Anna's Mother
Full cast

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Many of the negative reviews of this movie need to be written off because they're reactions from those who cannot handle that the movie takes on religion as a lie. If you realize this is just a movie and look past that, or you're agnostic then this is a movie to be enjoyed. It's a brilliant concept,a clever script and the movie has very funny moments, especailly in scenes with surprise cameos by Jason Bateman, Edward Norton and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Honesty in advertising, business names and making excuses all made for good laughs. I felt the movie came up a bit short in that "honest" people were played up to be naive beyond that of a 3 year old. I also thin k that the script could have found humor and humanity if it had spent a little more time looking at the differnt types of lies and really drove home the point that ultimately we can't lie to ourselves and get away with it. Thumbs up


I'm surprised to read so many bad reviews. I thought it was an extremely funny movie. Although I'll admit that one of the first things I said to my husband upon leaving the theatre was, "I'll bet it offends a lot of Christians", the fact that some of the "lies" he tells people are about the existence of an afterlife or a God (he calls the "man in the sky') The producers might have anticipated that and chosen not to go that route, although I have to admit I found it funny, even as a Christian myself. I think people are way too uptight. There are a lot of movies with equally ridiculous premises. Ricky Gervais is very very comical. I had a great time at this movie!


The move, actors and story line boring. I usually take great offense at movies that take cheap shots at my faith in God, but this one was so far gone that I couldn't even get into a good tizzy about how they try to make anyone who has faith in God and the afterlife stupid for believing the "lie". I've seen some people on here say they will definitely go see this just because it ticks off Christians. To them, I say "HA HA, go for it." I enjoy the last laugh because you are wasting your money on a really boring movie.


This movie has an excellent premise. First it?s a romantic comedy, but its also a pretty darn good indictment of the gullibility of the human race and our need for religion. Aaahh, light bulb, maybe that?s what?s really at the root of some of these bad reviews. Religion is a huge underlying theme of the movie but also truth in advertising, social stereotyping and shallowness are covered. Pretty serious stuff, right? But there are laughs here so long as the audience is open to the idea of laughing at itself. There are some disconcerting aspects of the film and some contradictions: people spew unwelcome truths without provocation and while one central message seems to be that we should look past physical beauty or lack thereof, Gervais is enamored with a character who from what we?re shown on film almost throughout, offers nothing but her beauty. Even with those little problems this is a comedy that allows you to think and that is often sorely lacking so give it a look see.


Little flat but still funny

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