

The Ruins (2008)

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While on vacation in a resort in Mexico, the Americans Jeff, his girlfriend Amy, her best friend Stacy and her boyfriend Eric befriend the German Mathias in the swimming pool. Mathias invites the group to visit the ruins of a Mayan temple with his Greek friend Dimitri in an archeological field where his brother Henrich and his girlfriend are camped eighteen kilometers far from the resort. They hire an old taxi and when they reach the spot, they are surrounded by Mayan villagers armed of revolver, rifle and bow-and-arrow that kill Dimitri and do not allow the group to leave the place. They climb a construction covered of creepers with red flowers, and remain under siege of the locals. When they hear a cell phone in the bottom of a well, Mathias decides to seek the apparatus using a rope that breaks and he has a serious accident breaking his back. Amy and Stacy go to the bottom of the mine to rescue Mathias and they find many corpses covered by the climbing plants; further...
Jonathan Tucker as Jeff
Jena Malone as Amy
Laura Ramsey as Stacy
Shawn Ashmore as Eric
Joe Anderson as Mathias
Sergio Calderón as Lead Mayan
Jesse Ramirez as Mayan Bowman
Balder Moreno as Mayan Horseman
Dimitri Baveas as Dimitri
Patricio Almeida Rodriguez as Taxi Driver
Mario Jurado as Mayan Archer
Luis Antonio Ramos as Mayan Rifleman (as Luis Ramos)
Walter Quispe as Mayan Rifleman
Pauline Whyman as Wailing Woman
Nathan Vega as Mayan Boy
Luis Antonio Ramos as Mayan Rifleman (as Luis Ramos)
Full cast

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PLEASE WAIT UNITL YOU HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN THE MOVIE TO REVIEW IT!!!! I am tired of getting on here and trying to find out honest fans reviews and then have people saying how they think the movie is going to be amazing or how it will be awful before they have even seen the movie. I am trying to obtain objective fan reviews from people who have actually gone to see the movie, NOT some person telling me their inmpression of the previews. So for the love of God please wait to rate the movie until you have actually watched it!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just saw the free press preview of this 1.5 hour laugh-fest B-'horror' flick adaptation of the novel with the same title.. The three positive things I have to say about 'The Ruins' are:- 1) Jena Malone (Pride and Prejudice) gave a nice performance. 2) The movie was THANKFULLY short. 3) It was hilarious - almost like a self-deprecating parody of cliches and bad dialogues. Plot? WHAT plot??? A group of friends decided to go check-out a off-the-beaten path ruin in search of missing persons. And yes, you probably knew this already, they started dying one after the other - suc***bing to some climbing questing succulent, & etc... (nah, I won't spoil it for you). And that's basically THE story. Period. Oh, majority of the audience were laughing themselves silly throughout the movie. The movie suffered from a really lame weak ending as well. Don't RUIN your movie-going experience, pick another movie to see or wait for the DVD-release rental(likely in a month or so).


I had high hopes for this movie! Boy was I wrong! I have been a Horror fan as long as I can remember and I would have to put this movie in the same line as Stay Alive or The Undead. It did have its gory moments, but that was pretty much it?! No background on the Ruins or why it is the way it is. They just threw in a few innocent teens in some Mayan pyramid and watched them try to keep us entertained. Oh well, wait for the DVD release. Trust me!

da mad hata

i read the book this movie was based oon recently and it was fantastic...i was so excited to see the movie ..the only aspect of the book they captured was the goriness which they surrounded by bland acting and a frankly moronic screenplay ..the movie was needlessly boring and drawn out could have been made into a way better movie by chimps in clown suits .....thumbs down

sookie blake

I hope they stay true to the book (I think they are based on the R rating). The book really made you care about the characters, a quality that is sadly lacking in most of todays horror movies. After seeing th movie I can say I am disappointed but not surprised. They just cant build suspense and character development in a movie like this because they are going for a younger less patient audience. Skip the movie but do read the book.

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