

Hamlet 2 (2008)

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Dana Marschz is a failed actor and recovering alcoholic who's moved to Tucson to teach high school drama, where he's plagued by bad reviews, student indifference, budget woes (he and his wife, who is trying to get pregnant, take in a boarder), and his own teaching limitations. Because the other electives are closed, he finds himself with a large class of seeming gang-bangers, and the principal informs him that drama will be cut next trimester. On the advice of a student reviewer, Dana decides to stage his own play, a sequel to "Hamlet" in which the prince and Jesus, with the use of a time machine, try to save Gertrude and Ophelia. Can Dana for once pull something off?
Steve Coogan as Dana Marschz
Catherine Keener as Brie Marschz
Joseph Julian Soria as Octavio
Skylar Astin as Rand Posin
Phoebe Strole as Epiphany Sellars
Melonie Diaz as Ivonne
Arnie Pantoja as Vitamin J
Michael Esparza as Chuy
Natalie Amenula as Yolanda
Marshall Bell as Principal Rocker
David Arquette as Gary
Elisabeth Shue as Elisabeth Shue
Amy Poehler as Cricket Feldstein
Shea Pepe as Noah Sapperstein
Marco Rodríguez as Mr. Marquez
Full cast

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I laughed my head off at this ridiculous comedy. Although the lead was very funny, it was the supporting cast that really had me laughing. Amy Poehler was hysterical, as always. Elisabeth Shue's performance as "herself" reminded me of Neil Patrick Harris's comeback role in Harold and Kumar. I hope to see her do more comedy in the future. I really liked Skylar Astin and Pheobe Strole as the two drama nerds. Who doesn't recognize these two characters? Either you were them in high school, or you picked on them for being so ridiculously melodramatic. For me, Skylar was the standout performer in the film, and he should have been onscreen more. The story itself is fun and insane. If you haven't seen the online video for the song Rock Me Sexy Jesus, you should check it out. This is a pretty short movie, and I wish they hadn't cut out quite so much. You can tell in a couple places that something was removed and it doesn't flow as well as it should. Still, what is there is very funny.


Obviously this isn't a movie that will be winning an academy award. How many movies have been made about Christianity and religion in a positive way? Just because SOME people are blinded by faith, doesn't make it the truth, or standard for everyone else to believe. "Blasphemy's" in a movie? You have GOT to be kidding me?? Every movie that you watch that has any murder, sex, violence, cursing, or any self indulged actor in it could be called a blasphemy. Lighten up and get over your God complex, it's a movie!! This looks like a brilliant satire to start exactly what this country needs: Non ignorant, light hearted people to poke fun at how serious and dilllusion religions are. Do some research and really take a look at the movie, and your religion before you start using the word "blasphemy", or judge it. After all, if you're religious, do not judge, if not religious then go see the movie and enjoy!


This movie was so incredibly wrong in so many ways, it was perfect!! When I saw some of the fans writing about this, I had to join and write. This is the first movie that has compelled me to write a review! 1- It was horribly blasphemous! 2- Tasteless in every sense of the word! 3- Gratuitous nudity and not the pretty kind! 4- Vulgar language! 5- Ethnic insults left and right! 6- Causes aching sides of stomach from laughing so hard and outloud!!! 7- Elizabeth Shoe! I went alone (killing sometime in the afternoon) to go see this movie. Now mind you its kinda difficult to laugh out loud in a half crowded theater by yourself but there was no use. I was tearing up trying to hold laughter in half the time. When I was walking home, I was laughing to myself to the bewilderment of those walking by. I must've seemed a freak! It was hysterical. A serious sleeper movie. I can only pray (irony intended) that church go-ers protest this to get it more attention!


A must go for anyone who has participated in or taken an interest in community or school theater. For others, it is likely funny as well, but it is hard for me to judge as I fall firmly in the first category.


To be honest I first walked into the theater and expected the theater not only to be empty (which it was), but the movie to be as bad, if not worse, than disaster movie. However, I was extremely surprised how much I laughed during that movie. I thought some of the acting was a little overdramatic at times and they threw a lot of junk into the movie that shouldnt have been there, yet I didnt go 5 minutes through the movie without laughing. For a movie with very little hype yet turned out to be a decent movie I will give it a thumbs up. Definitly a must go =)

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