

Punisher: War Zone (2008)

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Frank Castle, the ex-military man whose family was killed by criminals, who became a vigilante known as the Punisher, goes after a whole mob family and gets everyone except enforcer Billy Russoti. He tracks Russoti down and chases him into a vat that is used for crushing bottles. Frank turns on the crusher hoping it would take care of him but it doesn't. He survives but sustains very severe injuries that even with plastic surgery his face looks like a jigsaw puzzle. So he decides to adopt the name Jigsaw. Frank who killed one of Russoti's people who unknown to him is an undercover Fed, decides to pack it in. But when he learns Russoti didn't die and is looking for the money he entrusted to the Fed and will go looking for it at his home which means his family is in danger. So Frank tries to save them. But Russoti wants revenge on Frank so he breaks out his brother who is so crazed that he is committed to an asylum...
Ray Stevenson as Frank Castle
Dominic West as Jigsaw
Doug Hutchison as Loony Bin Jim
Colin Salmon as Paul Budiansky
Wayne Knight as Micro
Dash Mihok as Martin Soap
Julie Benz as Angela
Stephanie Janusauskas as Grace
Mark Camacho as Pittsy
Romano Orzari as Nicky
Keram Malicki-Sánchez as Ink
Larry Day as Agent Miller
Ron Lea as Captain Ross
Tony Calabretta as Saffiotti
T.J. Storm as Maginty
Full cast

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punisher war zone is the best i love the guns and the bombs and the blood


Ok, I have read so many reviews trashing this film. It's unapologetically violent. Grim. Very little story line. Etc, etc, etc...Did Dirty Harry movies get terrible reviews? I dunno, but I know I loved 'em. Did Charles Bronson's "Death Wish" movies get great reviews? I dunno, but I loved 'em. Were "Sin City" or "Kill Bill" over the top and gross? Maybe, in parts....but I LOVED THEM! Sometimes, men just want to see things get blown up, bullets flying, high tech weaponry lighting up the night sky, and baddies getting what baddies deserve so richly for about 2 hours. It's a guilty pleasure, but the film seems to hold to the grim, humorless violent vision of the comic. It's not for everyone. I wouldn't suggest it as a blind date (or first date, or maybe any date) movie. But if you wnat to see what the high tech weapons on the "Military Channel" can do when fired into a room packed with heavily armed thugs, see this movie! If you play M rated video games, see this movie! GUYS, GO SEE THIS!


Punisher: War Zone is not for the squeamish. Not even a little bit. There are so many insanely graphic (and creative) kills that I was kind of surprised this maintained an R rating. The opening scene of the film has 3 times the action of the entire 2004 film, and if you don't go "holy ----!" by the end of that, you suffer from an adrenaline deficiency. The sets are reminiscent of Tim Burton's Batman and **** Tracy. Just enough neon to give NY some color. The action is methodical, with few shaky-cuts. If you're a fan of Garth Ennis' MAX series of Punisher comics, you'll see a lot of familiar faces (MacGinty, the Bulats/slavers, Pittsy & Ink) and a few familiar kills. But you'll see more blood than anything else, and it's strangely satisfying. Like taking the Ennis run and the 2005 video game and mashing them together into a movie. It's not smart, but it makes sure not to take itself too seriously. The bad guys get what's coming to them, and you get a thrill ride in the process


I was a hardcore Punisher fan waaay back in the early 90's, so I have a soft spot for the character. Out of the 3 flims, this one is easily the closest to the way Frank Castle should be portrayed. Thomas Jane missed the mark in the last Punisher film, while Ray Stevenson pretty much nails it. Watching Stevenson play a non neutered Frank was basically the only reason I stuck around for the entire film cuz there were a ton of spots that were hard to sit through. We had throwaway characters with horribly cheesy/stereotypical accents, unnatural dialog, forced acting, odd uses of slow motion...I could go on, but don't wanna ruin it for ya. If you're someone who's just looking for a movie with action/gore with inventive kills and action scenes, you might like this. If you're a fan of the Punisher comics, you might think Marvel is close to getting a Punisher movie right, but just not there yet.

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