

Punisher: War Zone (2008)

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Frank Castle, the ex-military man whose family was killed by criminals, who became a vigilante known as the Punisher, goes after a whole mob family and gets everyone except enforcer Billy Russoti. He tracks Russoti down and chases him into a vat that is used for crushing bottles. Frank turns on the crusher hoping it would take care of him but it doesn't. He survives but sustains very severe injuries that even with plastic surgery his face looks like a jigsaw puzzle. So he decides to adopt the name Jigsaw. Frank who killed one of Russoti's people who unknown to him is an undercover Fed, decides to pack it in. But when he learns Russoti didn't die and is looking for the money he entrusted to the Fed and will go looking for it at his home which means his family is in danger. So Frank tries to save them. But Russoti wants revenge on Frank so he breaks out his brother who is so crazed that he is committed to an asylum...
Ray Stevenson as Frank Castle
Dominic West as Jigsaw
Doug Hutchison as Loony Bin Jim
Colin Salmon as Paul Budiansky
Wayne Knight as Micro
Dash Mihok as Martin Soap
Julie Benz as Angela
Stephanie Janusauskas as Grace
Mark Camacho as Pittsy
Romano Orzari as Nicky
Keram Malicki-Sánchez as Ink
Larry Day as Agent Miller
Ron Lea as Captain Ross
Tony Calabretta as Saffiotti
T.J. Storm as Maginty
Full cast

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For knowledge this movie is not a sequel or anything to do with the one made with thomas jane couple years back but rivaly it is a hundred times more gory and follows more of the retro comic book movies then the new and highly improved versions(dark night,ironman,the inc hulk) but it still is a fun movie too watch with some many horrible funny one liners to laugh at but make no mistake this is the least kid freindly version of a comic book to come along with heads,legs and limbs,getting ripped and shot off so if u can handle it isnt horrible movie with a lot of a retro throw back feel to it.


This was a great movie if you are really into the punisher then you will expect the violence and gore. This movie stayed more to the true Punisher from the comic books not like the first one. People go to these movies and put them down cause of the violence and gore what do they are what are they expecting when they go . Come on people its the Punisher people and critics what are you expecting other than violence this movie was entertaining action packed gave people who wanted to see the Punisher everything they wanted. To the critics out there that gave there opinions on this movie, I go to see all kinds of movies and most of the times I see you put them down for this and that and I still enjoy them so really I have to wonder how you got your jobs cause really your opinions suck mostly every now and then you get one right but mostly would never pay any attention to what those critics say. I truly do not understand what they expect out of some of the movies they put down.


Third time's the charm, at least it seems to be for Marvel Comic's The Punisher. Yes he spends the entire movie either; a) shooting bad guys, b) brooding, c) shooting bad guys or d) having flashbacks about the death of his family and that leads to more brooding. Yes, the violence is excessive. But that's what the punisher is, it's what he does. If you're looking for the visceral experience of lurking in someone else's first person shooter, this is the movie for you. I don't say it's a great movie but they did succeed in presenting a version of the Punisher that is true to his comic origins and pulls it off on the screen.


I recommend this movie to any real Comic book fan. You will not be disappointed.


Now this is the way a Punisher movie should be. I actually liked the last Punisher movie with Thomas Jane, but this one puts that to shame. If you are a fan of senseless violence in movies from time to time, like myself, you'll have a good time watching this.

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